How to sell your property and get a profitable return from it

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So you’ve decided to sell your property as quickly as possible? You need to put all the winning cards on your side to ensure a lucrative price.

As with any purchase, the sale of a home requires meticulous preparation.

The right value

First and foremost, it’s important to set a sale price that reflects the reality of the market. A property that is over-valued runs the risk of not being financed by the banks. It is therefore strongly recommended that you use a professional valuer or a certified estate agent, who will estimate the value of your property as accurately as possible, based on their knowledge of the market.

Repairs, renovations, upgrades...

It goes without saying that it’s more than necessary to bring your property into perfect condition before selling it. Small repairs, renovations and improvements, particularly to the layout of the interior, patio or garden, as well as replacing old fixtures and fittings, will bring you a better price.

In view of these factors, you should not hesitate to seek the advice of a professional who will be able to provide you with information on any work that needs to be carried out and the impact this will have on the sale price.

Great leads

Lastly, you have several options for finding the ideal buyer: put your home up for sale on various property portals (such as where you can identify your potential customers who are really looking for a property, rather than targeting too broad an audience, or opt for an efficient estate agent. An estate agent takes all the hassle out of the process - visits, negotiations, administrative formalities, etc.

These professionals know how to give your home a higher profile.They also know how to identify the most suitable buyers for you.

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