Let With Pets

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Owning a pet is a lifelong commitment and though most of the time pets are part of the family, not every landlord is keen to let their property with pets. Landlords often have concerns about renting their properties to pet owners. To help you be as successful as possible in your search for a rented home, here are some top tips to find a place to rent where the whole family is most welcome.

1. Don’t wait for the Final Moment
Take your time to find a pet-friendly rented property by beginning your search at least 8 weeks in advance before the date on which you are planning to move.

2. Show the Landlord that you are a Responsible Pet Owner

Try to convince the prospective landlord that it would be a good thing to have you as tenant by giving him the opportunity to visit you at your current residence. He will be able to meet your pet and see how well you keep your rental unit.

3. Be Flexible and offer to pay a Higher Deposit to the Landlord

Increase your chances of finding the right pet-friendly rental unit by being as flexible as possible. Moreover, landlords who refuse pets are usually inexperienced with them or maybe, had a bad experience that they are not keen to repeat. Why don’t you try to offer to pay a higher deposit to reassure the landlord that any potential damage will be covered?

4. Suggest a Security Payment to your Landlord
Many landlords are reluctant to accept pets being anxious that pets will lead to fleas, pet hair and dirty carpets in the rented property. In order to put his mind at ease, offer to pay for a non-refundable pet payment implying the hiring of a professional cleaning agency before you move out.

5. Create a Resume for your Pet
A resume for your pet might help to convince the landlord that you are a responsible pet owner. Create a Pet CV which should include as much information as possible. For instance, a photo of your pet, the frequency at which it is being treated against fleas, the contact of your pet’s vet. Try to give the landlord your pet’s reference to show how well behaved and well cared is your pet without causing damage to the rented home. Finally, arrange a meeting between your landlord, your pet and you should help to convince your landlord to accept your pet.

6. Honesty: the Best Policy
Never keep your pet hidden from the landlord because if the latter comes to be aware of it, it could bring an end to your tenancy. As from the start, always be honest about your pet!

7. Ask for a Written Authorization
Once an agreement about keeping your pet is met with the landlord, ask him to include an acceptance clause for your pet in the lease agreement. This will prevent future misinterpretations.

8. Help your Pet adjust to its New Environment
Try to take a few days off to help your pet familiarize with its new surrounding to prevent it from making excessive noise hindering your neighbors.

9. Be a Good Neighbour
Always bear in mind that your landlord has to deal with neighbors’ complaints and that he will not be happy if your pet disturb them with its noise, unsightly messes or if it wanders loose everywhere and at any time.

10. Always have a Plan B
It might be impossible to find a pet-friendly rented house right from the beginning. Always have a good friend or relative at hand who would accept to look after your pet temporarily until you find the right property where the landlord accepts pets.

Note: For condominiums, in most cases, pets are not allowed but in general, it depends of the clauses included in the condominium’s rules and regulations. In some condos, pets might be allowed but in others, it might not be case.

  1. The Rental Market in Mauritius
  2. Furnished / Unfurnished accommodation or Residential complex
  3. Landlord and Tenant : Obligations of both parties
  4. Signing a lease
  5. The Guarantee Deposit
  6. Let With Pets
  7. Steps and advices regarding Property Rental
  8. 8 ways to customize a rental

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