Additional Filters - Filter by Advert Status

  1. Adverts Management
  2. My Transactions (buy, rent, holidays)
  3. Adverts Display
  4. Additional Filters - Filter by Advert Status
  5. Your property has been let or sold - Archive your advert

You may filter your adverts by ‘Status’:
a) All (Selected by default under the heading : Filter by Status
You may view all your adverts whatever the status
b) Draft
You may view all your adverts that have not yet been published on the website and that have the ‘Draft’ status.
c) Pending
You may view all your adverts that are awaiting validation at
d) Online
You may view all your online adverts
e) Archived
You may view all your adverts that have been archived. Note that you can reactivate them at any time by changing their status to ‘Unarchive’. You must then modify them before publishing them.
If you are not in ‘AUTO PUBLICATION’ mode, you adverts will be sent to our team of moderation before their online publication.
f) Refused
You may view all your adverts that have been refused by our team of moderators. If you any question on the issue of ‘Refused Adverts’, contact our Customer Service or by phone on the +230 266 1300.
g) Offline – your adverts that have been put offline
This functionality can be used for instance in the case of a sale or rental agreement for a property which has not been signed yet.
You may change the status of your advert to ‘Offline’ until the sale or rental transaction is completed. In case the transaction is not completed, you may change the status of your to ‘Online’.

ATTENTION: An advert which has been put ‘Offline’ is not classified as an ‘Archived’ advert. It is not taken into account and counted out of the balance of adverts available in your Adverts Pack. However, if the sale or rental transaction is completed, do not forget to Archive your adverts!