E-mailing : a powerful tool in the real estate sector

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  7. E-mailing : a powerful tool in the real estate sector
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The true challenge for you, professional real estate players, is surely to achieve maximum lead generation; for instance leads regarding buyers, home owners (sellers and landlords). In terms of property search, emailing remains one of the most powerful and efficient marketing tool.

Email campaigns rank in front of search engines and social media in terms of efficiency. According to Sarbacane Software, editor of Sarbacane, the most popular emailing tool in France, 90% of web users check their email inbox at least one time every day, while 72% of them does it up to 6 times daily.

On top of being powerful, emailing have numerous advantages : it has the best ROI regarding lead generation and customer retention as it requires less investment than print and offers an optimum visibility upon your target’s action following email reception.

Each month, lexpressproperty sends to its database:

  • A news-focused newsletter, featuring the latest projects’ commercialisation, the latest real estate news and a property listing available on the market
  • A products-focused newsletter featuring a property listing from different agencies, according to their desired theme
  • A dedicated newsletter on behalf of only one agency and featuring its articles and selected properties

Two types of emailing:

  • The newsletter aims at retaining your audience focusing mainly on content to be sent to a qualified audience rather than on a promotional offer.
  • Emailing (promotional) is used to mostly promote your product, service or event. The main characteristics are: an appealing design, excellent taglines with efficient Call-To-Actions.

The importance of emailing

1. Emailing as an efficient tool to spark engagement

Emailing targets a more attentive and dedicated audience because the reader makes the choice to receive and read its content. This being said, your main goal would be to stand as the agency which sparks the greatest interest. How? By making use of appealing CTAs to generate a maximum of clicks.

2. Take benefit of lexpressproperty’s contact database

Your customers expect you to guarantee the sales or rental of their properties. In fact, a significant database is the best way to generate maximum leads to your client base (potential buyers and tenants. It provides them with a proof that the property you wish to promote would benefit from an optimum diffusion within a qualified audience.
Please note that lexpressproperty’s database is made up of more than 60 000 subscribers from Mauritius and abroad. However, managing and updating such a sizeable database remains a lengthy process.

3. Better targeting with regards to your offer

Emailing enables efficient data reporting. Diffusing different types of content via a newsletter dedicated to your business shall enable you to have better insights into the expectations of your potential clients: what links got the most clicks on the newsletter? Which featured property generated the most leads? Make sure to vary your messages to reach different audience types with different needs.

Not yet convinced? Here is a last tip to optimise your emailing campaign: pay special attention to the landing page of your message. This is vital to collect leads: a neat description, high quality photos and accurate information are the ingredients to generate leads.

4. Emailing is the most efficient marketing tool in terms of results

Contrary to common beliefs, emailing campaigns remain the most efficient communication tool underpinned by the fact that email addresses are the most popular communication means. An email address is essential for anyone who wishes to have a social media account. As opposed to social media, emails remain active for longer periods than a post on social media platforms.

5. Targeting for more in-depth analysis

Emailing allows you to track and analyse the campaign results in terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPI): open rate, conversion rate, effectiveness of one campaign compared to another, the most clicked links, etc. Mastering these types of data will surely allow you to align your strategy to optimise your efficiency.

Finally, it is an undeniable fact that emailing remains by far a value-added marketing asset when it comes to communication. Even though there exists a wide range of different marketing levers of similar importance, emailing should not be left out. So why not starting an emailing campaign with lexpressproperty ? Contact us to find the best solution tailored to your needs: [email protected]}