Top reasons to be accurate in posting property ads on

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Within such a highly competitive market where sole mandate is not really a widespread practice, publishing an accurate and detailed property advert turns to be a key asset to stand out and enhance visibility. This is all the more so on property portal where agencies are fighting to be top-ranked in real estate listings to ensure leads generation.

How to take advantage of optimum notoriety on our website? We provide you with all the types to make it happen.

Adverts details which are critical

All the fields made available to you during the creation of your advert are an additional opportunity to perform a transaction.

Hence, we recommend that:
- You make sure that all compulsory fields are properly filled in. The transaction type and property type are essential for your adverts to be listed within the right category; it is also vital to choose the right geographic location (town, city, village etc.)

Tip: once you have chosen the location, you may click on the pin to move and drop it on the map to direct more precisely Internet users.

- Fill in accurately optional criteria as well as the property features. Caution: whenever an Internet user makes a search on the website, he may tick several criteria to refine his search. If you have not ticked those criteria in your advert, the latter will not be featured in the listing corresponding to his search.

For example: If a user selects the following criteria: Grand Bay, 3 bedrooms, air-conditioning, sea access.

Your advert perfectly fits…but you have forgotten to tick the ‘sea access’ criterion regarding general features. Unluckily, you will miss this opportunity!


The property description: a truly core element!

Writing the property description seems boring to you and you lack time to take care of? Unfortunately, the Internet user has no concern about it! In fact, the property description is crucial to encourage him to discover your property offer.

Whilst we recommend to provide a detailed description, a few lines might however be enough. Our tip: write a short introduction but make sure that you include the following criteria, and that’s it!

An effective description should include:
- The geographical location
- The type of property
- The type of offer
- The number of rooms
- The strengths
- Main features

Example: Grand Bay – 3-bedroom beachfront house with view over the ocean. Air-conditioning, common pool and private parking.

Bonus: the photo selection, a call for discovery

Real estate photography is an art that one should master to spark engagement from Internet users. It is in fact the very first thing that would grab his interest – above all, right from the listing itself.

A couple of months ago, we provided you with some tips about how to optimize the photos of your real estate property; here are some additional tips regarding its presentation on the website:
- Sort the photos in a logical order; start with outdoor views, then introduce each of the key rooms of the house.
- Refine the featured photo that will be displayed in the results listing. Hence, it would be better to focus on an overview of the property rather than a photo of the parental room.
- Make sure that you use high-quality photos: pixelated photos might drive away potential clients!

Once seduced by your advert, visitors will surely get in touch with you to book for an appointment!

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