Let’s talk about real estate in video with Lexpressproperty

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  7. Let’s talk about real estate in video with Lexpressproperty

Videos has turned into a vital Web communication tool. The reason behind this success: over 100 million Internet uses watch at least one video online worldwide every day! We can definitely say that video is a communication platform that has a bright future. Lexpresssproperty sets itself a new challenge: analyzing and providing insights about the Mauritian real estate sector on its YouTube channel, Parlons Immobilier (meaning: "Let’s talk about real estate"). Discover our first video at the end of this post!

Videos are undoubtedly the major trend in 2017. It is estimated that this year, 74% of the web traffic as a whole will be geared towards videos! The great news is that the property sector is taking full advantage of this opportunity: virtual tours, interviews, discovery of residential areas…there are numerous possibilities to attract new leads and enhance the professional image of your agency.

Lexpressproperty: Let’s talk about real estate!

Parlons Immobilier, Lexpressproperty’s new YouTube channel, has as key objective to establish and position the brand as close as possible to its audience. Thanks to short videos, we shall cast off together with our users for the discovery, or rediscovery of the most popular towns and villages of Mauritius, as well as analyze and provide insights about the latest property news, not to mention that we shall provide them with tips and advices to help them successfully achieve their building project.

As we have been working closely together since a couple of years, we wish to embark you on this exciting project and hence, drive you further regarding your communication strategy. Whether you wish to share an advice or an expertise, take advantage of this unique opportunity to put forward your know-how: become the privileged partner of one of our videos and share your expertise on a particular subject with our users.

Discovering Grand Bay…

For our first video, we have chosen to showcase the vibrant town of Grand Bay. Let’s cast off together and discover its shops and restaurants, as well as its beaches and inhabitants!


Do you wish to share your expertise in our next video? Contact us: [email protected]