Rs 280 millions for NHDC complexes rehabilitation

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The minister announces Rs 280 million for the NHDC (National Housing Development Company) complexes rehabilitation, a measure which shall benefit to more than 8000 families. The policy stated by the Minister of Finance wishes each family to have a decent shelter and for each modest revenues family to be supported.


1000 acres of land available for the housing projects will be use for the implementation of a development program comprising of 20 sites. This development program which shall benefit of the NGOs partnership will be modelled on the Bambous pilot project. Bambous has been chosen as model as the government already granted shelters to 198 impoverished families. Employability has also been bettered in this village, with at least one member of each family who obtained a job.
Entrepreneurship is encouraged and two projects have been implemented, particularly regarding eggs production and training in horticulture. Community lifestyle is encouraged as well as recycling and the use of solar energy. A similar project will also be implemented to help about twenty vulnerable families at Cité Lumière, Grand Bay and 22 households in the region of Lorpont, at Rivière du Rempart.
The Government’s aim is to create 5000 units for families which monthly salaries do not exceed Rs 5000, 5000 units for families with monthly salaries between Rs 5000 and Rs 10000 and 2500 lots for families with monthly revenues inferior to Rs 16 000.
This vast project will be launched with the construction of 600 core houses of 38 m2 each, build on individual lots of 60 toises. Those houses will be allocated according to a social contract driven by the National Empowerment Foundation.
Those 600 houses shall cost Rs 400 millions.
A second group of 300 core houses of 57 m2 each, on 60 toises lots, will be built next year. The Government sponsored loans from the MHC will be available to finance the purchase of those houses. Small contractors will also be invited to take part in this social housing program by registering with the National Empowerment Foundation.

Source: Business Magazine (18-24 November 2009)